james widener // snuffhouse is print, illustration, type and web design. I have been doing mixed media since i started a video editing and a few art class's in middle school and haven't stopped since. Now i attend Full Sail university in Orlando Florida for a degree in digital media that originally i had the intention to just do web design but after a few refresher class's in photoshop and illustrator class's and meeting some of my favorite illustrators in the industry, i found something i really love to do in typography and print. Although sometimes vector illustrations can be a trendy look and there are so many artists out there that similar styles emerge and that caught me at times with that trendy look, but i try and stray from that with by including my writing in my illustrations and much more meaning to bring something fresh and new to the table. Web was always something that intrigued me and something i am still growing into every day and love learning and designing. Typography, print and illustration on the other hand i truly love because it gives me the ability to voice my feelings or get a point across in a graphical manner and truly convey a more powerful message. It's been a crazy journey for me with a tun of ups and downs and without the help from some really talented people and friends i wouldn't be here today please check out some of my inspiration and talented friends. There is so much that is going on the next few months so please bookmark my blog and stay posted.
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