Friday, January 18, 2008

XEROX - Rebranding

Contrary to other logos, like AT&T or UPS, the old Xerox wordmark was not necessarily good or looked as a paragon of our profession, so its demise is not mourned. The short-lived digitized X on the other hand was incredibly communicative and expressive of the place that Xerox occupied at the moment — bridging new and old technologies and processes — but at the same time, despite nostalgia, the pixelation effect was probably as clichéd then as these electric bugaloos are today. The Xerox wordmark was in serious need of an update and, letter for letter (except for the "r"), this new wordmark does an amazing job. Those "x"s are to die for. A wise move would have been to simply move forward with the wordmark, placing emphasis and importance on the word Xerox, which has plenty of equity. But instead we had to be graced with the introduction of this furious marble that is downright abominable and meaningless but come to think of it, it does take my mind off of "the copier company". Just not with good thoughts. Read more: Underconsideration

posted by Brian Ashe

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