Thursday, July 8, 2010

Upsampling Photographs and Line Art

"...When you ask Photoshop (or any other image manipulation software) to increase the size of the image once it has been scanned, and then increase the resolution as well, this is called upsampling. (An example of this is to take an Internet image saved at 72 dpi and then enlarge it and upsample it to 300 dpi). As Photoshop does this, it essentially makes up picture information that doesn’t exist. As the picture gets larger, Photoshop adds pixels (picture elements, essentially dots that are averages of the existing pixels) between those already there. Past a certain point of over-enlargement (beyond 105-110 percent of the original size), what you get is a blurred image and/or visible pixels...." Written by Steve Waxman. Steven Waxman is a printing consultant.

Read this article at Pacific City Graphics

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