Thursday, June 18, 2009

Film critics from Synecdoche, New York DVD

Rainbeau Creative
Synecdoche, New York, my favorite film of 2008, is now available on DVD and Blu-Ray. On the disc's Special Feature "Infectious Diseases in Cattle: Bloggers' Round Table", I talk about the film's merits with other film critics.

Picture this: you find yourself at Blockbuster talking to the employee (probably called a companion or a facilitator) about favorite movies. The first word out of their mouth is Glitter. You feel the bile rising up your throat, and you run away as fast as you can to your friend. Your friend who shares your obsession for Fight Club, or your unhealthy obsession with the Godfather. We are that friend. We are fellow ScreenHeads.

film freak central
Now and zen I think about life and stuff.
Roman Polanski's character in The Tenant asks his beatnik girlfriend a great philosophical question, which I'll paraphrase here: If I cut off my arms, I say, "This is me, and these are my arms." If I cut off my legs, I say, "This is me, and these are my legs." But if I cut off my head, do I say, "This is me, and this is my body," or "This is me, and this is my head."? What right does my head have to say it's me?
I know how I'd answer that question.
I love to write. I love to watch movies. I love to read. Film Freak Central is for people who share these passions.
This is me, and this is my website.
-Bill Chambers, Editor-in-Chief

SpoutBlog is here to discover and digest everything worth knowing in movies each day.

For anyone with more than a fleeting interest in movies, the landscape of film is changing drastically. A movie lover’s passion for film doesn’t recognize boundaries between Hollywood blockbusters, unsung independent achievements and viral clips from YouTube.

Wherever the under hyped piece of genius or over hyped piece of not-so-genius comes from, chances are we’re writing about it here. And when there’s a film festival to attend, we’ll probably be there treasure hunting for movies and interviewing filmmakers on the bleeding edge of the Industry.

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