Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Student Ideas - Orion Orbes

My name is Orion Orbes, I'm 21. I was born and raised in Cancun, Mexico. I moved to Northwest Florida in 2003, then moved to Orlando in April of 2008. I've been going to Full Sail for Digital Arts & Design since January 2009. I've been drawing since I was 5 years old. I come from an artsy family, often drawing inspiration from my uncle's paintings and my father's detailed pencil drawings. I want a career in graphic design and illustration because of the creativity involved and I like bringing ideas to life. I drew this as part of a project called "more", which involves illustrating a a positive statement with the word more. Live more, Love more, Be more, etc. With this piece I illustrated a monster mouth with it's teeth in the shape of the words "SHOUT MORE". The meaning is self-explanatory. People often keep their negative emotions inside when in fact we should keep those emotions out. This piece is a reminder that we can shout more whenever we want, and relieve ourselves from negative attitudes.
Some of my favorite artists include Jeremy Fish, Earl Funk, Jason Stephan and Bansky.

Jeremy Fish

Earl Funk

Jason Stephan


1 comment:

Ady said...

Navegando por la red encontre tu blog. Me parecio interesante la idea acerca de la palabra "MORE"; siempre dar mas y no conformarse, dejar de ser esa persona mediocre. Creo que eres un artista en potencia y sigue asi, dando siempre más de ti. Tambien me parece que tu nombre es poco comun, el nombre de una constelacion y la relacion que tiene con la mitologia griega.
saludos desde cancun.