Thursday, April 17, 2008

What is blik?

blik is an I.D. Magazine award-winning* line of surface graphics created by and for people who like to change their mind. These self-adhesive wall decals (think stickers for grown-ups) allow you to easily transform the look of a living or office space in minutes. Affix blik to any smooth, flat surface such as a wall, window, mirror, ceiling, tabletop or floor. Choose your space, plan the design you'd like to make, and literally, just peel and stick. And when you're tired of your design, say after years, a month, maybe a day - the decals are removable.

Help us Choose!
Our next installment of Threadless original designs is in our voting booth. Check 'em out and voice your choice.

About Threadless
Threadless is an online-community-based tee shirt company with an ongoing open call-for-submissions. Designers submit ideas which are evaluated by over 500,000 people in the Threadless community. All submissions are evaluated by the community and given a final score. Tee shirt designs are selected by Threadless from the pool of the most popular designs. Designers currently receive a payment of $2,500 in cash and gift certificates. The project was started in 2000 by skinnyCorp. Since then, over 900 designs have been chosen for print from more than 130,000 submissions. Go say hi!

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