Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Typography on the web

Here's an interesting article about Typography on the web:

CSS @ Ten: The Next Big Thng by Hakon Wium Lie

Utilizing CSS style sheets, one day, Designers may get control over fonts for web pages again. The interesting stuff starts at the "A brief history of web fonts" section and down.

"When browsers start supporting web fonts, designers will be tempted to adjust more properties than just font-family. In the examples shown above, line-height, letter-spacing, word-spacing, and absolute positioning have been tweaked."

"Prince is currently the only program that supports TrueType web fonts, but it provides the proof of concept we need to begin thinking seriously about web fonts—and to begin advocating for their implementation in common web browsers."

This would be so great to get to control the design even more on the web.

There's a section on the history of web fonts. Stuff I didn't even know!

"A brief history of web fonts - This is not a new idea. In 1998, CSS2 described a way to link to fonts from style sheets, and both Microsoft and Netscape added support for web fonts in their browsers. However, neither vendor supported the most widely used font format, TrueType. Instead, they each picked a different, little-used format with few tools to support it (EOT and TrueDoc, respectively). And so web fonts disappeared from the designer’s toolbox."

Posted by Denny Butts

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