Check out the full version of Chris Doyle's Identity Guidelines: Christopher Doyle_Guidelines.pdf (1.04 mb)
Chris Doyle is a Sydney based designer at Moon Group and recently produced a set of identity guidelines based on himself which is an instant classic. I tracked Chris down to find out more about the project ....
Hello Chris, I’ve seen your brilliant identity guidelines featured on numerous blogs recently, what has the public response been?
To be honest I have been completely overwhelmed by the response. People seem to have genuinely enjoyed the piece. I have had emails and text messages from all over the world, all just people writing to say they enjoyed it. I had a phone call from a guy in New Zealand who called to say how much he enjoyed it, that he felt compelled to call. That was so satisfying for me. From the start I was far more concerned with the idea and making it funny, than I was with it being a cool or fashionable piece of design. For so many people, designers or otherwise, to find it funny or clever, that's more than I could have hoped for.